causal factor

英 [ˈkɔːzl ˈfæktə(r)] 美 [ˈkɔːzl ˈfæktər]

网络  因果要素; 原因因素; 肇因; 要因; 因果因素


  1. Because the theory of relativity is known to permit causal loops, chronology protection would require some other factor to intercede to prevent travel into the past.
  2. Prof Florida argues that the influence of universities is overestimated as a causal factor.
  3. Conclusion: Increase of cerebral ammonia metabolism is an important but not exclusive causal factor for the development of hepatic encephalopathy.
  4. The vinis in the plasmas of KBD chilren might be the causal factor for KBD.
  5. The causal factor may be related to clostridia and bacillusgasoformans infections.
  6. Therefore, a well-designed strategy of energy development is a causal factor to the healthy, stable and sustainable development of economy.
  7. It is not causal relation, but subjective faults, possibility of act of the liable body and so on that should be the base and factor to define share of liability of being slack to perform function.
  8. In the part of example research, analyzing the causal relation between Xi'an urban spatial structure form and each kind of natural ecological factor and giving land suitability of ecological factors.
  9. Causal Factor of the Major Disease Injury and the IPM in Flax Seeding
  10. Considering the impact of the time series factor and the causal factor for abandon rates, taking advantage of the characteristics of artificial neural networks, propose an abandon rate prediction model based on BP neural network and give the specific modelling process.
  11. The causal factor of decreasing in the number of spermatogonia is mainly the death of the cells, which is induced by irradiation and bears a definite relationship to a certain stage of the mitotic cycle.
  12. A good deal of research has been devoted to the study of foreign language anxiety in recent years. Yet very few studies have referred to culture as a causal factor in foreign language anxiety.
  13. These results suggest that TNF-α, being a marker for immune activation as other cytokines and an important causal factor in renal-graft rejection, can be used as an index of immunobiology in rejection for early diagnosis.
  14. In 1210 cases a causal factor was revealed including blood vessel compression, tumor compression, compression of arachnoid cysts and adherence, only 10 cases remained unclear etiology.
  15. Judging on Causal Factor of Barely Black Embryo Disease in Xinjiang
  16. Hyperlipidemia caused by dysfunction of lipid metabolic is an important causal factor for atherosclerosis.
  17. NEC is a multifactorial disease, bacterial infections is one of the indispensable causal factor.
  18. And then, based on the above test results, it carries out Grainger test to judge the causal relationship between the variables. The final result shows that economic growth is the main influencing factor of foreign short-term capital inflows.
  19. Causal relationship between the degree of fault interaction and tort law as an important factor in determining the scope of responsibility.



  1. a determining or causal element or factor
    1. education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life

    Synonym:    determinantdeterminerdeterminativedetermining factor